Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ah, Brynlee's 1st Halloween! She had so much fun! She was a little sheep and I was Bo Peep, but I found my sheep! She did really good in her costume! She actually liked it! We had a good time!


Mom and Dad said...

Halloween was a total blast!! Your idea of the soup was fantastic!! Loved it all! We will have to do it again next year for sure. I have already had requests!! Your little lamb was adorable and so was Bo Peep!!

AZTattooGirl said...

Okay, her as a sheep was just the cutest thing ever!! It makes you just want to squish her!!

Hans, Shell, Gabe, Hiett and Tait said...

Cute pics. I wish they were bigger so I could see them Alittle better- my eyes are failing me. he he. OH, the menu for THanksgiving looks absolutely fantastic. Although I will get free movie tickets from HAns' work if I don't gain any non pregnancy weight during hte holidays. hmmmm. I will have to see. It sounds awfully good. I loved reading your testimony- I am so thankful that you have found the true happiness that comes fro living the gospel. Love you- Shell